Broadcast Date (Filming Date): September 15, 2013 (September 2, 2013)Guests: Daesung (3rd time guesting - Ep 35&36, Ep 84&85), G dragon (2nd time guesting - Ep 84&85), Seungri (2nd time guesting - Ep 84&85)Queen Ji Hyo
G dragon Team : Yoo Jae Suk, Kang Gary, G long Daesung Team : Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Daesung
Seungri Team : Ji Suk Jin, Ha
Ha, Seungri
Recap from 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Videoweed:Fullruntorunningmanseugnrithegodsstolemysoulroleusapebjkkkpopcorngifs 1 2 3 4fyrmfeveredsweetnessdontwalkrunrunningmanrun 1 2
setsuna16 22nd-Sep-2013 09:57 pm (UTC)
The bungee mud battle was excellent. The rest stop wars were fun. Especially the part with the dogs!But the water trò chơi was super tedious & dragged on. Overall, I became bored by the end of the episode.The next episode, by comparison, seems lớn feature a lot of chasing. Và I LOVE chase sequences, so I am excited.
Bạn đang xem: Running man: episode 163
ceecile 22nd-Sep-2013 10:00 pm (UTC)
There isn"t really any chasing but the ep is really fun. The cast is on fire and the guests are really good. So even if the games aren"t great it"s still a great episode.
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LOVED the mud segment mainly because of GD. Throughout the whole thing it seemed lượt thích the only thing in his head was "omg I can"t believe I"m actually doing this"
I thought this was a really cute & fun episode. The water trò chơi did go on a tad too long though. I"m also disappointed that there wasn"t a lot of interaction between YJS và Daesung. Even though Jihyo didn"t participate in most of the games, I"m glad she got a good amount of screen time. Um, sensitive issue, but I really don"t like MC anymore. That kiss made me cringe... But yeah, fun episode.
I died when Jongkook picked the thẻ with the number one at the end. His face was hilarious.Overall I thought this was a fun episode. I actually couldn"t stop laughing when they were sabotaging the water game.
I really miss Daesung on variety. Seeing him in this episode made me want khổng lồ watch Family Outing again. GD getting dragged through the mud was also highly entertaining.And can I just say I don"t know who are more annoying fans who seriously believe MC are a thing and think they should get married or the fans who loathe MC & put the blame solely on Gary. I love both Gary and Jihyo but the way MC moments are being scripted is just annoying. Wish they would be just allowed to interact as friends without the romance aspect.
I opening was fun to lớn watch, the ending I chuckled so much & saw it, because seriously I just had a gut feeling. X
D OP enjoyed or not so much enjoyed this epi ?
It"s a mix. While I was watching it was ok though I was frustrated by the lack of Ji Hyo when this is supposed lớn be about her. But I felt everything dragged on for too long. The mud trò chơi I honestly think it was only meant to be one round but then the PD realized they could get a lot of gags out of it và an easy way to lớn fill some air time. Lượt thích with the water game when they said they could keep cheating. I think they were probably panicking that they didn"t have much material. The card game was overall boring. I just miss the name tag ripping. How long has it been since we"ve had a name tag race?
i really hate it when they start cheating each other at the water game. The cheating method is too cruel to lớn be funny for mebut the mud part is the best! woohoo!
omg i laughed so hard at GD flailing in the mud, but felt bad for him at the same time. He seems way too high maintenance to be filming this kind of stuff, he was probably hating his life, lmao. And i also laughed super hard at him trying to lớn jump rope in the water, especially when he fell on his ass twice và then hit himself in the face with his rope. Oh look at cool G-Dragon being dragged around in mud and falling on his ass lol Hilarious. That was awesome.
This episode was really boring for me i didnt find the concept interesting at all, it just seemed liked some half-assed idea they threw together when they realized jihyo would be the only girl in this sausage fest. She basically did nothing the entire time it must have been quite boring for her too lol. I will say i enjoy the dogs tho :)Next episode looks awesome, i practically squealed when i saw Yoo ah in omg so excited for that one!! :D
I did think it was weird that it was supposed to lớn be a jihyo-centric ep & they ended up bringing on 3/5 of Big Bang (who are always known lớn be scene stealers).For this particular concept, it wouldn"t have made a difference but I think there should always be at least one more girl on episodes of RM. That way when they vày physical games jihyo can go head lớn head with the other girl instead of standing on the sidelines lượt thích she did in the Shinhwa episode. It"d be lượt thích the Hyori-Yejin dynamic in family outing. Plus it"d be cool to lớn see that develop into a rivalry similar to lớn the one that Jaesuk và Jongkook have.
Meh. How dare they let Jihyo sit around & do nothing. As much as I love Shinhwa & Running Man, I was upset when they didn"t let Jihyo take part in the water & food games. And now for an entire episode?Like c"mon, we all know she"s better than that. It must have been awkward for her too to lớn see everyone else getting down & dirty while she sits comfortably.
Is it just me, or does GD look extra fine covered in mud?Idk about the ep, I think I only liked it b/c Big Bang was in it. Otherwise it was a little on the boring side. I miss the nametag ripping & the crazy scavenger hunts across huge buildings or parks or whatever.
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Running Man: Episode 163
by gummimochiPrincess Mung has it all: beauty, brains, và gold. She rules the land with an iron fist và issues orders with a sharp tongue, all with a killer smile. I mean, she has BIGBANG idols who wait on her hand & foot & one particular suitor who sweeps her off her feet, if only for a moment.
EPISODE 163. Broadcast on September 15, 2013.
Once upon a time in the Running Man Kingdom, six cast members suit up lớn impress the loveliest princess in all the land: Ji-hyo. Ooh, is this the prize—the episode solely dedicated to her—she won months ago? Me likey.
The boys immediately rib Gary on his tuxedo-like suit, but that’s nothing compared to Jae-suk’s military-style princely outfit, which just cracks me up. There are three more suitors join them today: BIGBANG‘s Daesung, G-Dragon (or GD), and Seung-ri. Eeee!!
Today’s teams are as follows: Red (Jae-suk, Gary, and GD), Yellow(Jong-kook, Kwang-soo, and Daesung), và Blue (Suk-jin, Haha, & Seung-ri).
It’s time to meet our lady of the hour as Ji-hyo arrives in a horse-drawn pumpkincarriage. Everything about her entrance looks like it came straight out of a fairytale, down to her fairylike trắng dress. Aw, the Monday Couple really do like a perfect cake topper.
Entitled “Steal Ji-hyo’s Heart,” our three teams will face off in a series of games khổng lồ win her affections. And yes, gold.
The first place team after each game will have the privilege khổng lồ ride with Ji-hyo in the luxury oto while the plebeians will travel by—what else?—a rundown sedan. Ooh, I really hope that car becomes a running gag in this show.
They hold a dance-off to determine the first lucky team, và ha—Ji-hyo tries khổng lồ shrug off her castmates in order to lớn get a 1:1 dance with GD. Girl, I vì chưng not blame you in the slightest.
Daesung suddenly puts a stop khổng lồ the contest before his team’s turn to lớn point out that it’s obvious that they’ll come in last place anyway, adding: “You could poll 30 million people, và we’d still come dead last!” HA, your humor is what makes you a true variety-dol.
So his team opts khổng lồ dance to lớn a trot tuy nhiên instead, which is both adorable & hilarious. At one point, Jong-kook scoops Ji-hyo up into a princess carry. Heh. It works, & Ji-hyo chooses them.
The other teams immediately call for a second chance to lớn impress, và this time, Gary steps up… và swoops in for a surprise kiss on the cheek. Omo! Omo! Omo! Rewind, replay!
It leaves Ji-hyo flustered & both Kwang-soo và Seung-ri rush lớn try the same tactic for their teams. Puhahaha. Her answer? “Kang Gary.” Aww, yeahhh.
Everyone climbs into their respective cars, & Spartakooks practically burns his arm leaning against the window. GD, meanwhile, promises to bởi well today… so that he can stay in the nice, air-conditioned car. Hee.
They’ll be getting down và dirty in their first game, which takes place in a muddy rice paddy. & it seems Ji-hyo is getting the full-on princess treatment today as she’s piggybacked to lớn her throne.
It’s sweet how the boys belt out in love songs lớn their “noona” princess. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t teeming with jealousy right now. Bah, who cares if this part is scripted?
Anywhooz, back lớn the game. Here, the first team khổng lồ return with their flags will be declared the winners. The caveat: they’ll be tied to lớn bungee jump cords. & then Haha jokes that they’ll fall—for entertainment’s sake, of course—regardless.
Haha trips Kwang-soo up at the start, & our resident giraffe reaches for the first flag… & then falls into the mud again. Working against the taut cord is no easy feat as the boys go down one by one, sometimes more than once.
Driven by their love for Ji-hyo (or khổng lồ sit in the luxury car), they all return with their first flag. But this is Running Man which means the boys also fight dirty, & Haha tugs on Team Daesung’s cord.
That tactic only works for a short while as Spartakooks charges towards the flags just as Team GD reaches out for theirs… They both grab them, and both fall. Hahaha.
With a final huzzah, Team Daesung sprints and reaches to lớn grab the last flag. It takes another try (as the Stairway lớn Heaven soundtrack plays dramatically in the background), và Jong-kook grabs it to lớn win it, khổng lồ Ji-hyo’s delight.
…and then Jo PD congratulates Team Daesung for winning the first round. Oooh, now that’s just cruel. Not that I’m complaining about seeing muddy men fall over and over again, mind you. I love it how everyone gapes in shock: “The first round?! We have to do this AGAIN?!”
Turns out the teams need to win two rounds, & everyone puts on their trò chơi face. All the teams turn on their A-game, và soon they all charge for the final flag. It down to either Team GD or Team Daesung in the last spurt… and Team GD pulls ahead to tie up the score.
GD looks almost unrecognizable by now in his muddied state, but he still has a big smile on his face. By now, the teams have worked out a strategy as they methodically march to và fro between the flags with the (less) occasional slip-and-fall.
Jae-suk grabs the third flag with Team Daesung close on his tail… & it’s the latter who gets there first.
Each team picks a thẻ (out of three), và Ji-hyo is more than willing to lớn help the idols choose the highest cards in each pile. That is, until Team Seung-ri steps up và she reminds them that Haha criticized the game earlier. Haha: “To say that it was great!”
I’m pretty sure I’m not going khổng lồ get sick of watching Ji-hyo be pampered all day. But that doesn’t mean she’ll scold Kwang-soo any less, as she instructs him to lớn keep the camera on her.
Both Jong-kook & Daesung agree that anything & everything Ji-hyo says và does today is the law of the land. Daesung claims that he’s an expert when it comes to serving others, and the others tease Kwang-soo for not jumping on this bandwagon right away.
Things are relatively quiet in Team GD’s oto as GD reflects on how hard the first game was. Then if things couldn’t get more ridiculous, their highway ticket goes flying out the window.
Jong-kook sure wasn’t kidding when he said that Princess Mung’s feet shouldn’t cảm biến the ground. He carries her all the way khổng lồ her chair, and a little later, Gary leans in for another kiss. (He fails. Boo. Hiss.)
The next game is an “All About Ji-hyo” quiz, và the boys stake their claim on everything they know about her. (“We go to lớn the same hair salon!” “We’re sasaeng fans!”) Then Kwang-soo calls out: “57.8 kg.” DUDE.
Their first challenge is lớn return with what Ji-hyo wants to lớn eat right now. The boys seem fairly confident, & Gary jokes: “What we ate last week together?” Heh.
Team Daesung returns with their choice (fried potato) & Ji-hyo requests that Kwang-soo stay farrr away from her. Daesung plays on the joke & asks, “We’ll call you when we get back lớn Seoul?”
Meanwhile, the other teams fight at the naengmyun (buckwheat cold noodles) station and rush back with two bowls. Kwang-soo asks why she didn’t have any of theirs, only to be told that she already had some. At this rate, you may need to lớn find your own ride home, Kwang-soo. Unfortunately, they’re all wrong.
Thanks lớn a bit of GD’s aegyo, his team earns a hint: “It’s red.” They immediately think of ddukbokki (spicy rice cakes), và then we see Ji-hyo’s real answer: jjamppong (spicy seafood noodle soup). Ooh, so close.
They all eventually arrive at the same answer & Teams Seung-ri & GD hold out their trays. They set off simultaneously, but then Jae-suk stalls the other team to give GD time khổng lồ return first.
Hahaha, oh this is fantastic—Team Daesung belatedly returns with jjamjjapong aka a half-jjajangmyun, half jjamppong dish. Yunno, in case she couldn’t decide. Points for creativity!
Next the boys will need to lớn choose the correct dog at a nearby dog park. To that, Gary points khổng lồ himself: “Me?” So punny. (The first character gae also means “dog.”)
Gary argues that Ji-hyo could totally like ugly, yet cool dogs lượt thích a bulldog. Or himself. While choosing one dog is one thing, catching one is an entirely different matter.
How apt that each thành viên ends up with a dog that looks eerily similar lớn themselves, lượt thích GD & a poodle or Haha and the Yorkshire terrier? Both Jae-suk and Kwang-soo chase after the same papillon, & I’m starting khổng lồ think that the Saint Bernard is the one taking Big Nose Hyung for a walk.
All the puppies are plain adorable, & it’s the humans who all bicker in the background. Out of a possible nine choices, Ji-hyo chooses the bulldog aka Jong-kook’s choice.
Wait, does this mean Gary has a fighting chance after all? (Just let me live in my fantasy world!) Then Team GD wins first place.
It’s off to the swimming pool for their third game, và the boys try their best lớn maintain their balance on the water mats. The teams will have one minute lớn jump rope 30 times, run down the mats, and hope that Ji-hyo will accept their rose. Ji-hyo: “This is a great day!”
It’s pretty cool that these mats can withstand a man’s weight, but jumping rope on it is no easy task. Kwang-soo falls in after a few jumps, và then the jumprope breaks in Jong-kook’s hands. Lol.
Seung-ri puts in an impressive showing & then runs down with seconds to lớn spare… only to lớn fall in. Aww. Both Jae-suk và Gary jump the first 29, and GD sprawls flat on the mat after his one and last jump.
Then GD runs down & throws his rose… & Ji-hyo catches it. But it’s not over yet as the other teams contest the win, citing that it wasn’t a legitimate jump. The decision is put forth lớn Princess Mung… who declares a do-over.
So Team GD tries again, & the first rose is too short. Something strange happens when Gary and GD runs as the distance between the mat and basket widen. Sure enough, it’s the work of the devilish hands of the other teams who have been pulling the mats back. Heehee.
It only gets better (or worse?) from there as we catch Kwang-soo rolling up the runway as Haha runs down it. Suffice it to lớn say, the roses fail to make it in.
After GD falls on his butt (twice), the other teams resort khổng lồ separating the mats. Then we see Haha dragging Ji-hyo away on her floating throne. Team GD still tries to throw their roses anyway, but they all fall short.
Everyone agrees khổng lồ fair play, but those are just words as Team Daesung speeds down the runway with mats flying anyway. At this point, the distraction tactics, though entertaining, borders on ridiculousness và to fill airtime.
Jo PD allows them lớn continue, & Daesung shouts: “Let’s just go with this for eight weeks!”
Night falls by the time Team Seung-ri gets another shot, and thankfully, this time, they win it fair và square.
Now nice and dry, The cast gathers at the final mission location. It’s basically a card game battle of wits where the teams will trade cards with Ji-hyo in three rounds. The team whose hand beats the total sum of Ji-hyo’s will win the gold. If not, Ji-hyo will get lớn keep her treasure.
Ji-hyo currently holds 4 cards ranked 10-13 in her hand. Team Seung-ri is up first và chooses 11 while Ji-hyo takes their highest card: 7. Team GD picks 12, & then hands over a 6. Oy, I can tell there’s going lớn be a lot of math involved.
Daesung bursts laughing after he draws a card, và sure enough, he’s chosen the lowest card in Ji-hyo’s hand. Then Ji-hyo takes their highest: 9. At the kết thúc of the first round, Ji-hyo is in the lead with 39.
Team Seung-ri is in a good position in the second round, but so is Team GD as they choose the highest (13) card. Damn Kwang-soo’s perpetual bad luck as he draws another low card. At least Ji-hyo does too, and they hold fast to lớn that tiny glimmer of hope.
By the time the third round rolls around, Team GD is in the lead with 29. It’s hard to lớn tell what the final count is by Suk-jin’s expression, though it doesn’t seem to lớn be all bad by the end of their turn.
Team GD is in danger of losing either of two highest cards in the game. Jong-kook draws the Ace (1) again, & then offers his team’s paltry cards. Finally, the boys decide upon Gary khổng lồ choose the thẻ Ji-hyo will burn.
One by one, the teams reveal their cards. Team Seung-ri ends up with 19, Team GD has 25(!), & well… Team Daesung pulls in a 9. That shot with Jong-kook holding up the Ace card is priceless.
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Now it’s Ji-hyo’s turn, và her first two cards địa chỉ up to lớn 21. & then she holds up an 11. With a total of 38, Gold Ji-hyo lives up lớn her name và takes home the gold.