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What is ferrous sulfate?
Ferrous sulfate is a type of iron supplement. You normally get all the iron you need from the foods you eat. Your healthcare provider may recommend ferrous sulfate if you don’t get enough iron in your diet. Iron supplements can be especially beneficial for women or people assigned female at birth.
What is iron?
Iron is one of the minerals your toàn thân needs khổng lồ function properly. Your body toàn thân needs iron to lớn produce hemoglobin & myoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein in your red blood cells. Hemoglobin helps your blood carry oxygen from your lungs lớn all your body‘s tissues và organs. Myoglobin is a protein in your muscles và helps supply oxygen lớn the cells in your muscles.
If you don’t have enough iron, your body can’t make these proteins, và you may develop iron-deficiency anemia. Iron-deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia. Anemia is a blood disorder in which your body toàn thân doesn’t have enough red blood cells
What is iron-deficiency anemia?
Iron-deficiency anemia can occur if you don’t have enough iron in your body. The condition develops when you lack the iron that your red blood cells need. Factors that can lower your body's supply of iron include:
Blood lossYou thua thảm iron when you thua trận blood. You can thảm bại blood in many ways:
Surgeries và traumatic injuries.Issues with absorbing ironSome health conditions và medications can decrease your body’s ability to absorb iron. These may include:
Endurance sports that cause athletes to thua kém iron through their gastrointestinal tracts.Iron-deficiency anemia can also happen if your diet doesn't have enough iron in it or if you have an increase in your body's need for iron (for instance, during pregnancy).
What are the symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia?
You may not have any symptoms if you have a mild case of iron-deficiency anemia. Symptoms of more severe cases of the condition may include:
Pale skin.Difficulty breathing.Feeling cold (including the sensation that your hands or feet are colder than usual).Craving for nonfood items such as ice or dirt.Restless legs in which you have a strong urge khổng lồ move your legs.Who is most likely to lớn develop iron-deficiency anemia?
Anyone can develop iron-deficiency anemia, although the following groups have a higher risk:
Menstruating and pregnant people.Frequent blood donors.How is anemia diagnosed?
Your healthcare provider may order a blood test to kiểm tra your complete blood count. The blood demo will measure your hemoglobin & how many red cells are in your body. If these levels are low, your provider can make a diagnosis of anemia.
How is anemia treated?
Depending on the cause of iron-deficiency anemia, your treatment will vary. Your healthcare provider may recommend eating foods that are high in iron. They may also suggest an oral (taken by mouth) iron supplement such as ferrous sulfate. If you can’t take an oral supplement, you may need lớn get iron through a vein (intravenously).
What foods are high in iron?You can find iron naturally in many foods. Many food products have also been fortified with iron. Iron-rich foods include:
Lean meat & poultry.Seafood such as salmon.White beans, kidney beans, lentils and peas.Nuts và dried fruits.Green leafy vegetables such as spinach.Fortified bread và breakfast cereals.Your toàn thân can absorb iron from plant foods better when you eat it with meat, poultry, seafood and foods that are high in vi-ta-min C. Foods that contain a lot of vitamin C include fruits & vegetables such as oranges, strawberries, tomatoes and broccoli.
What is oral iron supplementation?In addition khổng lồ eating foods that are rich in iron, you may have to take an oral iron supplement. The benefit of an oral iron supplement is it treats your symptoms by increasing the levels of iron and hemoglobin in your body.
The iron in your toàn thân is called "elemental iron." Oral iron supplements contain different amounts of elemental iron. When you choose a supplement, be sure to check the label lớn see how much elemental iron it contains. A greater amount of elemental iron means your body toàn thân will absorb more iron.
What are the different types of ferrous sulfate?
There are many different types of oral iron supplements. Ferrous sulfate comes in tablet or liquid form:
Tablets: The most common tablet kích cỡ is ferrous sulfate 325 milligrams (mg). Tablets come in standard or delayed (extended) release formats.Liquid: You can also take ferrous sulfate as a liquid iron supplement. The liquid comes as an elixir or as drops.How should I take iron supplements?
If your healthcare provider has recommended an iron supplement, use it only as directed. You should take the supplement on an empty stomach. Take your medication at least one hour before or two hours after you eat a meal.
If you’re using a tablet form, swallow the tablet whole. Don’t try to lớn crush, chew or break it. If you’re using a liquid form, measure the medicine carefully. Use a dosing syringe, not a kitchen spoon. You may not get an accurate dose of the medication.
Your healthcare provider may recommend a special diet while you’re taking ferrous sulfate. Follow their instructions precisely. Store the supplement at room temperature, & keep it out of reach of children.
Other instructions to lớn keep in mind:
Although the supplement works best on an empty stomach, you may want to take it with food so it doesn’t upset your stomach.You shouldn't take iron supplements with milk, caffeine, antacids or calcium supplements.Try khổng lồ take your iron supplement with vi-ta-min C (for example, a glass of orange juice) to lớn increase absorption.What are the side effects of ferrous sulfate?
Iron supplements can cause is constipation, so drink plenty of water. You may need lớn take a stool softener along with the supplement. Iron supplements can cause several other side effects. These may include:
Loss of appetite.Stomach cramps.Dark poop (stool).The side effects of ferrous sulfate supplements are usually temporary. They should go away as your body gets used lớn the medication.
What are the best iron supplements?
Your healthcare provider will help you decide what the best iron supplement is best for you. They’ll also tell you how much iron you need to lớn take every day. The best way lớn take the iron supplement is through two or more doses each day. This way your body absorbs the greatest amount of iron. However, you should take extended-release iron products once a day.
When will I start lớn feel better?
It may take one to lớn four weeks (after you start your iron supplement) before you start lớn feel better. Continue to watch your symptoms & take lưu ý of side effects. If you have any questions or concerns, talk khổng lồ your healthcare provider.
How long will I have lớn take an oral iron supplement?
Your healthcare provider will let you know how long you have to lớn take an iron supplement. After your hemoglobin & iron levels are back lớn normal, you may need lớn continue the iron supplement for another six months. You may have intermittent blood tests lớn measure your iron level.
A cảnh báo from Cleveland Clinic
Ferrous sulfate is a type of iron supplement that can help you prevent or treat iron-deficiency anemia. Kiểm tra with your healthcare provider before you start on any supplements. If your provider recommended you start on ferrous sulfate, make sure to follow their guidance closely. Ferrous sulfate has many benefits but it can also cause side effects. Only take an iron supplement for as long as your provider instructed. Taking more iron than your body needs can cause serious health issues.
Iron is an important dietary mineral that is involved in various bodily functions, including the transport of oxygen in the blood.Dietary iron is found in animal & plant foods. Iron deficiency can be treated by adding iron-rich foods lớn your diet.Iron deficiency is when your body"s iron stores are too low. Common causes include not getting enough iron in your diet, chronic blood loss, pregnancy & vigorous exercise. Some foods và drinks affect how much iron your body toàn thân absorbs.If you have iron deficiency anaemia, your GP (doctor) may recommend iron supplements. Keep iron supplements away from babies and young children – overdoses can be fatal.On this page
What is iron?
Iron is an important mineral hat is involved in various bodily functions, including the transport of oxygen in the blood. This is essential for providing energy for daily life.Good sources of iron include red meat, offal & iron-fortified breakfast cereals.Iron is lost from the body toàn thân through sweat, shedding intestinal cells, và blood loss.
About one third of the world’s population is iron deficient. Menstruating women are at greater risk than men and postmenopausal women of iron deficiency. It is thought that up to lớn 5% of the Australian population has iron deficiency anaemia.
Roles of iron in the body
Some of the many roles of iron in the body include:
Oxygen transport – red blood cells contain haemoglobin, a complex protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to lớn the rest of the body. Haemoglobin is partly made from iron, và accounts for about two thirds of the body’s iron. Myoglobin – a special protein that helps store oxygen in muscle cells. Myoglobin contains iron & is responsible for the red colour of muscle. Enzymes – many enzymes throughout the body contain iron, including those involved in energy production. Enzymes are catalysts (increase the rate of chemical reaction) that drive many cell functions.Recommended dietary iron intake
The average person needs to lớn absorb just a small amount of iron each day to stay healthy (around 1 mg for adult males & 1.5 mg for menstruating females). Lớn achieve this, however, we need to consume several times that amount. This is because our bodies absorb only a fraction of the iron contained in the foods we eat.The Australian Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI) for iron is the amount of dietary iron required to meet the needs of most of the population. This amount is different for different age groups and life stages.
Recommended iron intake (per day)
Age and life stage | Recommended dietary intake of iron (mg/day) |
Babies 0–6 months – breastfed | 0.2 |
Babies 0–6 months – formula fed | The iron in formula is less well absorbed (about 10–20 %) than the iron in breastmilk. This is why infant formula available in australia is iron-fortified. Following the instructions on the formula packet will provide your baby with the iron intake they need to meet their daily requirements. This intake will be significantly higher than for breast-fed infants. |
Infants aged 7–12 months | 11 |
Girls và boys aged 1–3 years | 9 |
Girls & boys aged 4–8 years | 10 |
Girls & boys aged 9–13 years | 8 |
Boys aged 14–18 years | 11 |
Girls aged 14–18 years | 15 |
Women aged 19–50 years | 18 |
Pregnant women | 27 |
Breastfeeding women aged over 18 years | 9 |
Breastfeeding women aged 14–18 years | 10 |
Women aged 51 years và over | 8 |
Men aged 19 years và over | 8 |
Food sources of iron
The 2 types of iron found in our diets are:
Non-haem iron – found in animal tissue, animal-based products and plant foods such as dried beans and lentils. Good vegetarian sources of non-haem iron include iron-fortified breakfast cereals, wholegrains & legumes (beans & lentils). If you are vegetarian & have no animal tissue in your diet, you may need almost twice as much dietary iron each day as non-vegetarians. Plant-based sources of iron include: dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, raisins, nuts, prunes, dried apricots, seeds, dried beans & peas, and iron-fortified cereals, breads và pastas.Absorbing iron our diet
How much iron you absorb from your diet depends on how much iron your body is storing.
The healthy toàn thân absorbs around 18% of the available iron from a typical western diet (which includes animal foods) & about 10% from a vegetarian diet. However, you may be absorbing much less than that, even if your diet includes iron-rich foods.
The most significant influence on iron absorption is the amount of iron already stored in your body. The body toàn thân stores iron in various places, including the liver. If your stores are high, your toàn thân absorbs less iron from the foods you eat. Conversely, low iron stores increase your ability to absorb iron.
Dietary factors affecting iron absorption
Certain foods & drinks affect how much iron your body toàn thân absorbs.
To boost iron absorption:
Cook plant sources of iron (such as vegetables). In most cases, cooking increases the amount of available non-haem iron in vegetables. For example, the toàn thân absorbs 6% of the iron from raw broccoli, compared lớn 30% from cooked broccoli.Foods and drinks that reduce your body’s ability khổng lồ absorb iron:
Tea, coffee and wine contain tannins that reduce iron absorption by binding lớn the iron and carrying it out of the body. Inadequate vi-ta-min A in your diet could lead khổng lồ iron deficiency because vi-ta-min A helps lớn release stored iron.High-risk groups for iron deficiency
One in 8 people aged 2 years và over does not consume enough iron on average to lớn meet their needs. If you vị not have enough iron in your body, it is called being ‘iron deficient’. This can make you feel tired và lower your immunity. Including iron-rich foods in your diet can help.
People who are at an increased risk of iron deficiency, include:
toddlers, particularly if they drink too much cow’s milk teenage girls Aboriginal Australians athletes in training people taking aspirin as a regular medicationStages and symptoms of iron deficiency
Most of your body’s iron is in the haemoglobin of your red blood cells, which carry oxygen khổng lồ your body. Extra iron is stored in your liver và is used by your body toàn thân when your dietary intake is too low.If you don’t have enough iron in your diet, your body’s iron stores get lower over time.This can cause:
Iron depletion – when haemoglobin levels are normal, but your toàn thân only has a small amount of stored iron, which will soon run out. This stage usually has no obvious symptoms. Iron deficiency – when your stored and blood-borne iron levels are low và your haemoglobin levels have dropped below normal. You may experience some symptoms, including tiredness.Symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia in children
The signs & symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia in children may include:
behavioural problems repeat infections loss of appetite lethargy breathlessness increased sweating strange ‘food’ cravings (pica) lượt thích eating dirt failure lớn grow at the expected rate.Causes of iron deficiency in adults
In adults, some of the common causes of iron deficiency include:
Not getting enough iron in your diet (also known as ‘inadequate dietary intake’). There are many reasons why someone’s dietary intake of iron could be too low, for example due to lớn a poorly balanced vegetarian diet, chronic fad dieting or having limited access khổng lồ a wide range of fresh foods. Increased need for iron – if you are pregnant or breastfeeding your body toàn thân needs more iron. If this increased need isn’t met, iron deficiency can quickly occur. Exercise – athletes are prone to lớn iron deficiency because regular exercise increases the body’s need for iron in several ways. For example, hard training promotes red blood cell production (which requires iron), và iron is lost through sweating. Inability to absorb iron – healthy adults absorb about 10 lớn 15% of dietary iron, but some people’s bodies are unable to lớn absorb or use iron from food.Causes of iron deficiency in babies, children and young people
Major risk factors for the development of iron deficiency in children include:
prematurity and low birth weight exclusive breastfeeding beyond 6 months (not introducing solids) high intake of cow’s milk in young children less than 2 years of age low or no meat intake vegetarian và vegan eating poor diet in the second year of life possible gastrointestinal diseasesBabies, children và teenagers undergo rapid growth spurts, which increase their need for iron. The main causes of iron deficiency in children by age group include:
Babies less than 6 months old – newborns receive their iron stores in the uterus (womb), which means the mother’s diet during pregnancy is very important. Low birth weight or premature babies are at increased risk of iron deficiency & will need iron supplements (under medical supervision only). See your doctor for further adtrunghocthuysan.edu.vne. Babies aged 6 months to lớn one year – a baby’s iron stores run low in the second half of their first year. Iron deficiency can result if their diet doesn’t include enough iron-rich solid food. At around 6 months, 2 servings a day of plain, iron-fortified infant cereal mixed with breastmilk or infant formula can start to be given. Plain pureed meats can soon be offered with other solids, once your baby is used to the cereal. Late introduction of solids into the baby’s diet is a common cause of iron deficiency in this age group. Children aged one to lớn 5 years – breastmilk contains a small amount of iron, but prolonged breastfeeding can lead khổng lồ iron deficiency, especially if breastmilk replaces solid foods in the diet. Low-iron milks such as cow’s milk, goat’s milk and soymilk should not be given until 12 months of age. Children who drink milk in preference khổng lồ eating solid foods are in danger of iron deficiency. Teenagers – adolescent girls are at risk because of a number of factors, including growth spurts at puberty, iron loss through periods (menstruation) và risk of under-nutrition due to fad dieting that restricts eating. In general – gastrointestinal disorders, such as coeliac disease, are a rare but possible cause of anaemia in children.Preventing iron deficiency – babies, children and young people
Preventing iron deficiency in babies
Some suggestions khổng lồ prevent iron deficiency in babies less than 12 months of age include:
Have an iron-rich diet during pregnancy. Red meat is the best source of iron. Tests to kiểm tra for anaemia should be conducted during pregnancy. If your doctor prescribes iron supplements, take them only according lớn instructions. Breastfeed your baby or choose iron-fortified infant formulas. Don’t give your baby cow’s milk or other fluids that may displace iron-rich solid foods before 12 months of age. Don’t delay the introduction of solid foods. Start giving your baby pureed foods when they are around 6 months of age. Fortified baby cereal made with iron-fortified infant formula or breastmilk is generally the first food lớn offer. This is because of its iron content, but also because its texture is easy lớn change. Introduce soft lumpy foods or mashed foods at around 7 months.Preventing iron deficiency in young children
To prevent iron deficiency in toddlers & preschoolers:
Include vitamin C in their diet as this helps the body toàn thân to absorb more iron. Make sure your child has plenty of foods rich in vi-ta-min C like oranges, lemons, mandarins, berries, kiwifruit, tomatoes, cabbage, capsicum và broccoli. Encourage solid foods at mealtimes & take care that toddlers are not ‘filling up’ on drinks between meals. Fussy eaters may be at risk due lớn poor intake or lack of variety in the foods they eat. Seek adtrunghocthuysan.edu.vne from your dietitian, local doctor or child health nurse on how to lớn manage a fussy eater.Preventing iron deficiency in teenagers
To prevent iron deficiency in teenagers:
Talk to your child about the importance of iron. Help them become informed enough to lớn make their own responsible food choices. Encourage iron-rich foods & meals, such as iron-fortified breakfast cereals & breads, và serve meat, poultry or fish with the evening meal. Offer good sources of non-haem iron such as dried beans, lentils, peas, broccoli, spinach, beans, fortified cereals, breads & whole grains if your child wants to avoid red meat or become vegetarian. Vi-ta-min C-rich foods should also be encouraged, such as fruits or vegetables with meals. Encourage only moderate amounts of tea & coffee, as these can interfere with iron absorption.Diagnosing iron deficiency
Make an appointment with your doctor if you think you may be iron deficient. Diagnosis aims to exclude other illnesses that can have similar symptoms, such as coeliac disease.Diagnosis methods include:
physical examination medical historyTreatment for iron deficiency
Treatment for iron deficiency depends on your iron status, & the underlying cause:
If you have iron depletion , your doctor will give you information about including iron-rich foods in your diet. You will have another blood demo in around 6 months to check that your iron màn chơi has improved. If you have iron deficiency , your doctor will give you dietary adtrunghocthuysan.edu.vne và closely monitor your diet. They will encourage you lớn have iron-rich foods & discourage you from having foods & drinks (such as bran, tea & coffee) that can interfere with iron absorption with meals. They will regularly đánh giá your iron status and may prescribe supplements. If you have iron deficiency anaemia , your doctor will prescribe iron supplements. It may take 6 months to lớn one year for your body toàn thân to restock its iron stores. Your iron levels will be regularly reviewed with blood tests. If you have an underlying problem that is causing your iron deficiency, it is very important that the cause is investigated. If it is a medical cause, it is important that it be treated appropriately.Don’t self-diagnose iron deficiency
Since iron supplements are available without prescription, it can be tempting lớn self-diagnose, but this is not recommended because:
Having too much iron in the toàn thân can be toxic và even fatal. Fatigue, paleness, dizziness và breathlessness are symptoms of many other health conditions, not just iron deficiency anaemia. Some of these other conditions are serious. Incorrectly self-diagnosing & self-medicating can be dangerous và can waste valuable time in getting the treatment you need. Getting the right treatment in the early stages of a disease offers a greater chance of recovery. So always visit your GP if you think you could be iron deficient. Iron supplements won’t help the symptoms if iron deficiency anaemia isn’t the problem. And you could be spending money on tablets you or your child don’t need. Taking an iron supplement when you don’t need it can interfere with your body’s absorption of other minerals, including zinc & copper.Do not self-diagnose or give your child over-the-counter iron supplements, because an overdose of iron can cause death. In infants and young children, đôi mươi mg per day is the safe upper limit – most iron supplements contain around 100 mg per tablet.It is important to lớn keep iron supplements tightly capped and away from children’s reach, as iron tablets are often mistaken as lollies by children.
If you suspect an iron overdose, call your doctor or the trunghocthuysan.edu.vntorian Poisons Information Centre
External liên kết on 13 11 26 immediately (24 hours, 7 days) or visit your local hospital emergency department.
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Iron supplements
If you’ve been advised lớn take iron supplements, keep in mind that:
The most common side effect of iron supplements is dark coloured or black stools (poo), so don’t be alarmed by this change lớn your bowel habits. Iron supplements should be taken on an empty stomach, if possible. Supplements should be taken exactly as advised by your doctor. The human body toàn thân isn’t very good at excreting iron and you could poison yourself if you take more than the recommended dose.