love. I usually tend lớn say “love you” khổng lồ someone I don’t love in a thắm thiết way, but in a friend or familial way. I prefer to save the “I love you” for someone I am truly in love with or when I am really expressing admiration to someone.

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So is there a difference between the two?

I did a quick internet tìm kiếm and came up with some of these responses:

I say it more than “I love you”. I also say “loves”. For me, it’s just the way I say it, & the way my whole family tends to say it. We miss out the “I”. When people say “love YA” though, that bothers me. Again, it could just be the way they say things, but to lớn me it seems insincere. It depends entirely on how they say it khổng lồ others và any underlying issues with intimacy they may have. I have a lot of emotional issues so mine could well speak for that if only it wasn’t just the way we said it in my family. *shrugs* I guess I’m trying to say it’s entirely a “relative to lớn the individual” thing as far as I see it.Nope. “Love you,” is just something we say when hanging up the phone or closing an email. It’s more casual, but the meaning is still the same. It’s like “hello” versus “good morning”. We say, “I love you,” when hugging each other or being sappy during vacation. The phrase just depends on the circumstance
I say ” love you” allot to my husband (we tell each other several times a day, at random times) I don’t see a difference from “I love you” vs “love you” just the way I say it
I think there is a difference, The ‘love you’ one is more flippant and almost dismissive IMHO I hate “love you” I also hate “love u” & “ilu” all are dismissive hurried & lazy.Defnitely a difference! While I am fine with “love you” it is nice every now & then lớn get a truly heart felt “I love you”. Just means more…Well I tell my hubby “I love you” but I tell my best friend “love you” so meh I feel there is a difference but it also depends on the person as well. It may mean something different to them than it does khổng lồ me or you.I also think that HOW it is said makes a difference, I like to say I love you, & I am in love with you to lớn my man and love you khổng lồ my children as they walk out the door, I love them, but in a different way
The last two guys I was involved with both changed from “I love you” to lớn more flippant responses like “love you” or “love ya” & both relationships went south about the same time.I think it all depends on the context và the relationship of the people saying it. I used khổng lồ get upset with my ex for saying ‘love you’ a lot, but it was usually because I was annoyed with him for other things và that was just an easy target lớn nag him about.i tend to say love you alot in a kidding sense so i guess there is a difference.I think the words “I love you” are very powerful, and people have dismissed it và reduced it lớn almost nothing, like the anoying – I whatever-.Absolutely NOT! I think it’s silly to lớn even think there is a difference. The difference is in the tone, not the words! Feelings are displayed in the tone! Simple as that!

So it looks like people have many different views on the subject, probably depending on their personalities, their relationships and their experiences. I think however if in a relationship one person uses the words “love you” & their partner feels a certain way about it và would prefer lớn hear the more personal “I love you”, then that should be communicated. Otherwise, the person that prefers khổng lồ hear “I love you” will most likely always feel a little sting when you lovingly say “love you”.

So what vị you think? Is there a difference between “I love you” and “love you”?

Stacey Laura Lloyd is an tác giả with a passion for helping others find happiness & success in their dating lives as well as in their relationships.

Landis Bejar is a new york State Licensed Mental Health Counselor và the founder of Aisle
Talk: Consultation và Therapy.

At some point in time, most of us will know the feeling: Your heart flutters when you see your partner walk in the room, and it feels lượt thích the time you spend together puts you on đứng top of the world. Being in love is a part of life that many people strive to lớn experience (and it can seem lượt thích every character in movies, books, và other stories we enjoy are focused around it in one way or another).

There are many different types of love. Some people feel butterflies when they"re infatuated with someone special; happy couples married for years have a deep, profound attachment to each other; & a parent"s love for their children is often regarded as the strongest love one can experience. But when it comes khổng lồ romance, the feelings of love và being in love are separate and depend on the stage of your relationship.

If you're wondering what it means khổng lồ be in love vs. Loving another person, we asked romance & relationship expert Theresa E. Di
Donato, Ph.D., marriage therapist Kathy Mc
Coy, Ph.D., and clinical psychologist Randi Gunther, Ph.D. Khổng lồ walk us through the difference between these two emotions.

The Psychology Behind Love

You may have used the phrases "being in love" and "loving someone" interchangeably, but there are a few differences between them and how we process feelings in relationships.

Determining if you're actually in love with someone can help you decide if you should be exclusive with them, stay in the relationship, or make a commitment that leads to deeper love.

"The spark that defines a love-at-first-sight experience is better described as a strong attraction accompanied by an openness to a future relationship," says Di
Donato. "Romantic love is more involved, encompassing emotional, cognitive, & behavioral components. It's also not something that generally happens instantly, but rather, it usually tends to lớn emerge over time."

Donato suggests considering how researchers define thắm thiết love khổng lồ see the differences more clearly. She notes that while many scholars see love as an emotional attachment based on the quality of a relationship, others measure love by passion, intimacy, và commitment.

Being in Love vs. Loving Someone

Before knowing which type of love exists in your current relationship, it"s helpful lớn understand the signs of genuinely falling in love (and how to tell when that chemistry is real). If you"re trying lớn interpret the strong emotions you have for your special someone, here"s how lớn determine if you"re in love or simply feeling love for them:

Being in Love Is Emotionally Charged

If you’re wondering what it means to lớn be in love, one key distinction has to vị with your emotions. Specifically, when you’re in love with someone, you feel a strong, almost inexplicable desire for that person. "The excitement and wonder of early love, of mutual discovery, of delighting in fantasies, and anticipating sharing so much in the years ahead is a memorable phase in a couple’s life together," says Mc
Coy. In fact, being "in love" often means yearning for someone: You think about them constantly, and you crave spending time with them when you're apart.

The excitement và wonder of early love, of mutual discovery, of delighting in fantasies, and anticipating sharing so much in the years ahead is a memorable phase in a couple’s life together.

Loving Someone Isn’t Based on a Whirlwind of Emotions

Mature love grows out of a developing attachment. Whether the person you love is a partner, friend, parent, or child, your strong feelings stem from a deep-rooted attachment rather than heightened passion or infatuation. "After the fantasies & illusions begin khổng lồ fall away, it’s possible that what comes into focus is something much better: a realistic, sustainable love," Mc
Coy says.

Being in Love Can Fade Over Time

When you’re in love, deep feelings can be fleeting. Intense adoration can become indifferent as time passes, và your partner's novelty can wear off. Being in love with someone today isn't a guarantee that you'll feel the same way forever: "As phases tend lớn do, passes as jobs, bills, children, conflicts, aging parents, và other realities of long-term love begin to lớn push those fantasies aside," Mc
Coy says. "It’s hard to lớn harbor glamorous illusions close-up over time."

Loving Someone Is More Permanent

Loving someone is long-lasting. Even if the person you love aggravates or disappoints you (or your relationship becomes distant), you'll continue khổng lồ care about them on some level. It's part of the reason that you can still love your ex long after a breakup—loving another person is deeply ingrained. "Growing khổng lồ love the real person and accepting who they are, with both strengths and weaknesses, can make a wonderful difference in your relationship," Mc
Coy says. " it lớn become a lasting source of comfort, emotional safety, and a wonderfully sustainable joy. When you see each other realistically and come to lớn know each other well, you’re less likely to lớn disappoint each other."

Growing to love the real person & accepting who they are, with both strengths and weaknesses, can make a wonderful difference in your relationship.

Being in Love Can Be Easily Shaken

When you’re in love with someone, your connection may not be strong enough to make it through challenges unfazed. For example, you may be head over heels for your partner, but as soon as real problems arise, you start lớn feel distant from them or question their ability khổng lồ outlast hard times. When you feel a deeper love for your long-term partner, the passion can continue khổng lồ burn through life"s challenges without flickering or fading away. In the beginning, you can be in love but not know each other well enough to lớn overcome obstacles together. "As you relax into the relationship & accept each other realistically, there is a greater chance that those times when you aren’t so witty, when you’re a little cranky, or when you disagree will not be deal-breakers," Mc
Coy says. "When you’re in love, you tend lớn be on your best behavior & expect your loved one to bởi vì the same."

Loving Someone Can Survive Life’s Ups và Downs

When you love someone, your relationship is strong enough to overcome life’s challenges. This is because your bond with one another is so inherent that problems can actually bring you closer together. "In relationships that harbor the potential of true love, people almost immediately feel the desire to lớn confess và share everything about themselves, whether negative or positive," says Gunther. "They feel immediately courageous, wanting khổng lồ know & be known, no matter what the outcome." After all, love is based on the trust, respect, & honesty that develop over time.

​Being in Love Opens the Door khổng lồ Long-Term Love

When you"re in love with your partner, you can develop a deeper sense of love over time as you both commit lớn the relationship—and many couples still feel the flutters of being in love after years together. So if you"re still in the early phases, the future can hold a long-lasting bond if you weather the challenges of life in a healthy way.

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Being in love with someone actually sets the stage for building long-lasting love. Each partner makes appropriate sacrifices to lớn meet the other's needs, and they'll enjoy aspects of each other that bring out the best versions of themselves. When partners enjoy spending time together, they're more motivated khổng lồ grow together, take risks, and make each other's lives better. "Letting go of old fantasies makes room for wonderful surprises," Mc
Coy says. "When you stop trying khổng lồ change a spouse—or yourself—to fit each other’s fantasies & simply love each other, encouraging the other to grow in ways very much their own, wonderful surprises may be in store."

While passion is important, mutual respect and compassion between partners create an emotional foundation between them. So, if you think you've found "the one," your relationship might just transform into an exciting, life-long commitment.